Loved reading this Chiara, and can totally relate to the sketchbooking on holiday thing! It’s something I would love to do but your article is a good reminder that sometimes we do just need to switch off, or get inspired in other ways (as much as drawing is an enjoyable activity).

I’m glad you went ahead with the school workshop and so happy for you that you felt so good after it! Children have such freedom and curiosity with their creativity, it’s so inspiring. I wish to find that again for myself in my own work…it’s something to work towards, letting go of perfection and just having fun! Xx

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Hello you beautiful being! Hope you're well!

It's such a complex subject, because in some cases you know it could spark future ideas but at the same time constantly pushing could block clarity and excitement. I'm so glad you could relate to this.

Aw thank you so much, they really are the most creative little souls on this planet. We should all embrace our inner child more!

Thank you so much for engaging with this post, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sending much love xx

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Loved this! The colours from your holiday are so beautiful. I also can’t sketch on location when I’m on holiday - I feel like I should, and like the idea of it, but I get blocked about actually doing it! I’ve stopped taking my materials when I’m going on a proper holiday to try switch off a bit more (which I agree seems to be impossible to do fully?)

So great to hear you went for the teaching session, it sounds beautiful and rewarding for everyone in equal measure 😊

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Aw Orla! Thank you lovely soul :)

Actually, now that you say it... these colours are screaming your most recent work!

Oh my gosh, I'm not so secretly glad it's not just me hahaha! Maybe we both need to have an on site sketch meet up.

Thank youuuu, I'm so glad I did it otherwise I would've robbed myself from the most wholesome day! I think I learnt more than the kids did.

Hope you're well lovely (and hope we meet in person someday soon) x

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Aw I think we are both channeling the sunshine energy in colours! That would be so good 🩵 let’s do it!

Haha that’s also how I always feel after a day with kids, they’re just so natural and wee genius artists ☀️

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