You are definitely not the only one. I even feel guilty if I watch TV while folding the laundry - which is absolutely ridiculous. Imagine drawing just for the fun - which my husband reminds me to do all the time. I don’t know about you, but for me I think it comes from the culture I grew up in, where if you called something ‘work’ it had to involve financial renumeration with a big dollop of suffering on top. Ridiculous, but so hard to change that ironed in mindset.

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Oh my gosh the laundry bit is so relatable!

I never thought about it stemming from cultural upbringing but now that you mention this it makes so much sense. I don’t ever remember asking my dad if he had a good day at work and the response being positive, more just along the lines of “busy enough to pay the bills”. So interesting how these aspects of childhood can shape our relationship to career!

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So excited to find artists on here…had no idea! I just my paints back out after 6 years with them boxed up after a move. I’m so grateful I have a little time now and then to “play” again! I LOVE your illustrations - so creative and colorful!!!

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I love everything about thissss! Yaaaay happy painting!!! Would love to see what you create! Thank you for your beautiful comment xoxo

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