Hello Lovely Soul…

Being a creative is a weird, wobbly, emotional rollercoaster of a career. I started (over)sharing my journey as a freelancer on Instagram. The nosey beings that humans are, I soon realised how much people resonated with my overactive brain. I needed a dumping ground for all those thoughts. What started off as creative updates over a newsletter, turned into a creative thoughts, resource hub if you will. Now, the newsletter has been brought to Substack.

I never want my colourful little world of illustration to fool people into thinking that it’s as dreamy as it may appear, so I decided to always lead with honesty and share the real journey with my community.

What to expect…

It’s a wild mix of thoughts and musings that ultimately link back to creativity. I plan on sharing:

  • Navigating a creative career

  • Building authenticity in a crowded market

  • Arty tips, tricks, inspiration and helpful resources

  • Behind the scenes and all the in-betweens

I hope you’ll join me on this wibbly wobbly journey…

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For more -

Professionally bits and how to work with me - aka my website

Daily updates and aesthetically pleasing content - Instagram

Long form videos - YouTube

Your support means the world as it means I can devote time to these platforms, consider becoming a paid subscriber.

All subscribers will get regular posts straight to your inbox. As the platform grows and paid subscribers increase you will get access to exclusive content, discounts, preorders, giveaway entries, free goodies sent right to your door and more!

Subscriptions are £5/month or £50 a year.

The Founding Member option for those loyal souls that adore Notes From an Over thinker, have some extra dosh and would like to support my business here in a bigger way. Your generosity means sooo much!

Thank you so much if you decide to support my work. All support big or little doesn’t go unnoticed, but those that invest their time, money and kind words… you hold a special place in my heart. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without your generosity. I am sending you a hug and imaginary cuppa!

Feel free to drop me a message or comment - I love a natter!

Love Chiara xoxo

Subscribe to Notes From An Overthinker

Hello lovely souls! I'm Chiara, Illustrator and Artist capturing the people, places and stories of our planet whilst overthinking and oversharing the messy musings of a creative career.


Illustrator and artist capturing the people, places and stories of our planet.